SEAKR’s business began with high-performance memory systems. Today, our spectrum of space-qualified electronics capabilities has expanded and continues to evolve with emphasis on helping our customers attain flexibility and scalability…
We have for years, and continue to leverage existing commercial technology into our work, continuing our trajectory in cost-effective innovation and forward thinking. SEAKR’s technology is continually recognized as pioneering new boundaries in possibilities marked by proven accomplishments, including having the world’s highest-performance Single Board Computer presently operating in space and the world’s most powerful array of FPGA‑based reconfigurable processors presently in-orbit. Currently, SEAKR is developing digital beamforming to maximum bandwidth utilization and increasing flexibility and scalability for communication satellite payloads.
As a vertically integrated company, our employees are involved in architecting conceptual designs, evolving system technology, and delivering enabling solutions… With over 30 years spent developing and manufacturing advanced space electronics systems, we best understand creating new avenues in electronics’ performance that withstand the harsh environments of space. Our entrepreneurial thinking and distinct ruggedized systems continue to help our customers achieve mission success and benchmark the highest of industry standards and technological prowess.